Map Ranking

Rim Rats

Tribe name:Rim Rats
Number of members:13
Points of the best 13 players10.913
Total points:10.913
Average points:839
Opponents defeated: 1.428 (7.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Vrock (Baron) 1 1,797 18 1
Hicup66 2 1,055 79 1
lord death 24 (Baron) 3 1,013 88 1
Joe Shmow 4 962 102 1
dallasdice 5 853 133 1
LadySumi 6 855 136 1
Eldest 7 828 152 1
BengaysSuccessor 8 744 200 1
lodaboy 9 723 217 1
RogueNinja00 10 705 228 1
potatocatkris 11 573 322 1
AngryDragon 12 421 489 1
Dabaroonitooni 13 384 545 1
ORC was founded by Eldest. If you have questions please contact Eldest.

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