Map Ranking

No Enemies

Tribe name:No Enemies
Number of members:10
Points of the best 13 players1.339.445
Total points:1.339.445
Average points:133.945
Opponents defeated: 4.434.463 (19.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Talwyn 1 201,063 39 31
cornfusion 2 179,346 42 33
Kosh 3 140,895 53 26
donkybls 4 136,287 54 28
First Archangel 5 133,104 56 26
tontondu514 6 126,868 59 21
van helsing 7 112,332 62 22
cooksey32 8 111,124 64 27
Fried Chicken Lord 9 105,687 67 20
LordStiff 10 92,739 72 11
Listen to me, Thorfinn. You have no enemies. No one has any enemies. There is no one that you should hurt.

THORS was founded by cornfusion. If you have questions please contact cornfusion.