Map Ranking

Bashers for ?

Tribe name:Bashers for ?
Number of members:11
Points of the best 13 players11.010
Total points:11.010
Average points:1.001
Opponents defeated: 4.836 (12.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
JAHLEE 1 1,628 111 1
Flodsch 2 1,429 138 1
Stickupkid 3 1,219 186 1
samwisethebrave 4 1,193 193 1
Bonfire 5 997 259 1
appa yip yip 6 949 279 1
123fight1 7 935 288 1
Carlyle.OO666 8 833 345 1
mdgmeagher 9 633 426 1
Basco 10 614 457 1
PirahnaGCG 11 580 475 1
Vaseline head to tippy tippy toe.