Map Ranking

Not sure yet

Tribe name:Not sure yet
Number of members:10
Points of the best 13 players6.466
Total points:6.466
Average points:647
Opponents defeated: 126 (37.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Kobra 1 1,268 146 1
Morpheus420 2 998 222 1
darkman 3 809 324 1
Pete101 4 733 358 1
ObijuanKenobi 5 716 369 1
LordStiff 6 582 446 1
Mr Daddy 7 565 458 1
Ceidwynn 8 478 534 1
CloudLycan 9 245 714 1
3precenter 10 72 867 1
NSY was founded by darkman. If you have questions please contact darkman.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.