Map Ranking


Tribe name:R.I.P
Number of members:13
Points of the best 13 players7.812
Total points:7.812
Average points:601
Opponents defeated: 6.542 (3.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Sasha Beton 1 1,541 91 1
bhenshaw15 2 973 224 1
Salozr 3 888 273 1
dimon1 4 866 290 1
Hobart 5 697 366 1
vikfan65 6 630 399 1
LaurenJR 7 450 550 1
WreckedKarma 8 445 556 1
R.I.P 9 434 569 1
ChuckMan 10 292 679 1
Oakenshea 11 266 694 1
deathxwar 12 190 763 1
wolfofdeathh 13 140 817 1
R.I.P was founded by R.I.P. If you have questions please contact myself or wolfofdeathh.