Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 405.344 (102.)
Tribe: Deaf2

Villages (39) Coordinates Points
001. English or Spanish?
463|491 9.640
003. Bing Bong
465|493 10.191
465|495 7.441
005. That was Fast 2.0
465|494 5.964
470|487 2.126
469|488 2.195
01. Sanctuary
465|488 9.805
02. Howling Abyss
466|490 6.163
03. Crystal Shard
468|491 7.195
04. Twisted Treeline
467|489 2.418
Barbarian village
475|505 1.271
Cash Money 01
468|500 9.960
Cash Money 02
469|501 10.160
Cash Money 03
466|498 10.160
Cash Money 04
470|499 10.160
Cash Money 05
469|499 10.160
Cash Money 06
464|497 10.265
Cash Money 07
470|505 10.160
Cash Money 08
468|507 10.160
Cash Money 09
471|498 10.160
Cash Money 10
465|500 10.160
Cash Money 11
469|497 10.160
Cash Money 12
467|491 10.160
Cash Money 13
470|508 10.160
Cash Money 14
467|506 9.830
Cash Money 15
471|493 10.160
Cash Money 16
467|497 10.210
Cash Money 17
466|489 10.160
Cash Money 18
471|492 10.143
Cash Money 19
475|507 10.144
Cash Money 20
475|506 7.850
Cash Money 21
473|506 6.682
Cash Money 22
465|496 8.783
458|496 3.299
463|499 10.160
461|498 10.185
462|499 10.102
459|499 10.143
457|497 5.133
Personal picture
Personal text
"If you want to shine like sun first you have to burn like it." - AH

Daily achievements
1x Supporter of the day

Defeat the most units in this world as a supporter.

Best result: on 09.09.2024 (23.055 units)

Combat achievements
Death of a hero (Silver - Level 3)

While supporting other villages, lose 20.000 of your units.

Plunderer (Silver - Level 3)

Plunder resources from other villages 1.000 times.

Robber (Silver - Level 3)

Loot a total of 1.000.000 resources.

Self-attack (Silver - Level 3)

Attack yourself and lose more than 1.000 units in one battle.

Leader (Bronze - Level 2)

Defeat a total of 100.000 enemy units.

Successful noble claims (Bronze - Level 2)

Conquer 25 claimed villages.

Wallbreaker (Bronze - Level 2)

Destroy 250 Wall levels using your rams.

Conquest (Wood - Level 1)

Conquer a total of 5 villages.

Lucky fellow

Conquer a village by getting the loyalty down to exactly 0.

Master of the Battlefield (Wood - Level 1)

Completely destroy 25 hostile armies.

Nobles Faith (Wood - Level 1)

Defeat a nobleman in battle.

Reliable Commander (Wood - Level 1)

Support other players 50 times in battles.


Conquer yourself, because that's the only way to show them who's boss.

The Warlord (Wood - Level 1)

Attack 10 different players

Unlucky fellow

Fail to conquer a village due to the loyalty only being reduced to +1.

Social achievements
Beloved Friend (Bronze - Level 2)

Make a total of 15 friendships.

Brothers in Arms (Wood - Level 1)

Be a member of the same tribe for 30 consecutive days.

The mentor (Wood - Level 1)

As a mentor, train 1 apprentice.

Growth achievements
Architect (Silver - Level 3)

Build a total of 5.000 building levels!

Continent scorer (Silver - Level 3)

Make it into the top 5 of a continent!

Gatherer (Silver - Level 3)

Scavenge a total of 10.000.000 resources.

Librarian (Silver - Level 3)

Discover 9 unique Skill Books.

Market Guru (Silver - Level 3)

Trade resources using the market 500 times.

Paladin's level (Silver - Level 3)

Level up your paladin to level 20.

Recruitment Drive (Silver - Level 3)

Recruit a total of 50.000 units!

Score champion (Silver - Level 3)

Climb the rankings tables and reach 100.000 points.

Top scorer (Silver - Level 3)

Make it into the top 20 in the world.

Accomplished student (Bronze - Level 2)

Improve your paladins' skills to a combined total of 50 skill levels.

Band of Brothers (Bronze - Level 2)

Have 4 paladins.

Out of time (Bronze - Level 2)

Use the instant complete option 100 times!

Wealth comes in gold (Bronze - Level 2)

Mint 500 gold coins.

Master of Quests (Wood - Level 1)

Complete 40 quests!

Other achievements
Castle Assault: It Goes Boom!

Lead the Bombardment action gauge when it triggers.

Castle Assault: On the Front Line!

Lead the Assault action gauge when it triggers.

Castle Assault: Row Faster!

Lead the Naval Supply action gauge when it triggers.

Castle Assault: Siegelord (Gold - Level 4)

Participate in the destruction of 8 castles.

Castle Assault: Join the fun! (Silver - Level 3)

Contribute 8.000 medals to help the tribe.

Achievements on other worlds
World 70

Classic 3

World 71

World 69